complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 5 –discussion question #1-4 (roughly 100-200 words each) & exercise 6 & internet exercise #7 (go to click on the examples and look at the current examples.  The Gee Whiz example is no longer on the page. I  did find mention of it here: that might help you respond to the questions here. )

Chapter 6– discussion question #1-5 (roughly 100-200 words each)  & exercise 4

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When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

All work must be original (not copied from any source). It is checked via SafeAssign. I ensure that the SafeAssign is not just finding matches for the questions and bibliography. 

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