Thinkers in the Medieval Period were preoccupied with problems surrounding the existence of God. Thomas Aquinas is justly famous for enumerating five proofs for God’s existence. But he also claimed that because of those proofs, there are things we can rightly know about the nature of God. From those proofs he says we can understand two things about God’s existence. And from those two things, we can flesh out even more knowledge about Him.  

In this assignment  carefully give a detailed explanation those two initial bits of knowledge.  And then explain them further as Aquinas does. Aquinas claims we can retain the mystery surrounding God’s nature and yet have a glimpse of what he actually is. Do you believe Aquinas argument permits us to see God in this way? Is Aquinas’ argument sound?

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  • Must be a minimum of 1 1/2 pages with standard 1-inch margins in Times New Roman or Garamond font. 
  • Must be double-spaced.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must include in-text citations and references in MLA style. No outside sources. 
  • Name, course, and assignment top left.
  • Include a Title.

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