Blackberry, business and finance homework help.

Developed by Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM), of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, the Blackberry started life in 1998 as an e-mail-only hand-held PDA device. Now, after several iterations, it is a fully fledged portable e-mail terminal and a cell phone. Although the Blackberry has not saturated the corporate and government market yet, to maintain the dramatic growth rate that has propelled its stock to almost dizzying levels, RIM must win consumers over to the Blackberry. However, consumers crave features that executives may have little need for such as cameras, MP3 and MP4 players, attractive styling, and so on.

  1. Why has connectivity become such an important part of the contemporary business and government community?
  2. What should be the strategic thrust of RIM with the Blackberry over the next five years?

Blackberry, business and finance homework help

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