CMPGT/303 Netflix Project Performance and Completion Presentation.

This is part of a group project. I only need 2 slides with speaker notes on 2 of the bullets bellow. I have captioned them ( I NEED SLIDES ON THIS BULLET) i have attached all previous group work for reference.

I listed a 1 day time limit for this but i can wait 36 hours in total for this assigment.

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Continue using the organization and project your team selected in Week 2.

Create a 10- to 15-slide visual presentation on the team’s Week 2 project, including responses to the following project performance measurement and project closure items:

  • Evaluate project performance measurement.(I NEED SLIDES ON THIS BULLET)
  • Explain how the project managers use earned value (EV) to monitor project performance.( DO NOT ANSWER THIS)
  • Calculate the project’s budget at completion (BAC).(I NEED SLIDES ON THIS BULLET)
  • Explain how the schedule and cost performance indexes are calculated and used to monitor project performance.( DO NOT ANSWER THIS)
  • Explain how Agile project performance measurement differs from the traditional methods.( DO NOT ANSWER THIS)

Format the presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

CMPGT/303 Netflix Project Performance and Completion Presentation

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