Create a WBS for a Project.

Deliverable 3 –


Evaluate organizational influences on project management and methods utilized for staffing, managing, and executing projects.

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Scenario Information

You are assuming the role of the project manager for a company called SuperPacks to provide a new backpack product with a built-in refrigeration pouch and radio module. Your customer for this project is the U.S. Army, Ground Forces and Special Operations. As the project manager for your team, you will be submitting to your manager a project management report.


Work Breakdown Schedule

As the project manager, your role is to track and manage the projects you are working on; creating a Statement of Work and a Work Breakdown Structure are tools that can help you manage a project or projects. Below you will create a Statement of work consisting of the basics of the project(s) you are working on. Consider this similar to a business or marketing report, but this will define the project, project scope, and overall strategy of the project.

Part One
Statement of Work (SOW) Document:

Develop the project Statement of Work document to include the following information:

  • Business need
  • Product scope description
  • Strategic plan

Part Two
As part of your Statement of Work for your project, you will create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS allows for project managers to compose all tasks of the projects into smaller components to ensure a more manageable project(s).

Create a WBS for a Project

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