Devise management strategies based on dynamic business environments.

Student Success Criteria
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You are hired in the newly created position of Director of Communications and you recognize the importance of management strategies on creating dynamic business environments. You have decided to create an article for the company’s first internal newsletter in which you will introduce yourself to the company and lay out your management strategic goals for this newly created position.

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Select one organization (Netflix, Nike, or Universal Studios) and develop an article for the company’s internal newsletter in which you review the current business environment of your organization. In the article you will outline your strategic goals for the new position, Director of Communication, and the impact of management strategies on dynamic business environments.

  • Review the current business environment of your selected organization: Netflix, Nike or Universal Studios.
  • Discuss the strategic goals of the organization and outline their impact on the organization’s overall objectives.
  • Discuss the benefits of diversity and inclusion in creating a dynamic business environment.
  • Review the priorities of utilizing management strategies within business environments.
  • NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
    Provides a detailed discussion on the priorities of utilizing management strategies within business environments.

    Company information for Netflix, Nike, and Universal Studios:
    Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). Netflix, Inc. profile.
    Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). NIKE, Inc profile.
    Hoover’s Company Records (2019). Universal Studios Company LLC profile.  

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