Diversity Training Manual.

Assignment Details

You have just begun a new stage in your career—you have been hired to be the Human Resources (HR) Manager for Berkley Innovative Technologies. Upon meeting the CEO, she described how the company’s workforce demographics have changed substantially over the past two decades. Previous HR managers, along with many supervisors, have mostly been Caucasian males ranging in age between 50s and early 60s, and typically from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO also indicated that workplace strife has been steadily increasing, and her team is concerned that it may be related to the changing demographics in the workforce. 

The CEO has tasked you with creating an educational manual to be utilized in training the existing front-line supervisors. This will be followed with sensitivity training to help all employees understand the complexities of the changing workforce and what it means for the future.

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Diversity Training Manual: Part I (2–3 pages)

Part I of the training manual should address the following:

  • Title page  
  • Table of contents  
  • Part I is to be titled: Introduction to Diversity and Demographics in the Workforce  
  • Begin your manual with a brief explanation of each form of discrimination (religion, race, gender, age, and immigrant vs. native-born) as it relates to the workplace.  
  • Part 1 will conclude with information on the sections below regarding the demographics of the U.S. population:  
    • Sections:  
      • Current statistics  
      • Recent trends  
      • Forecasted trends
    • Information for this question can be located using some or all of the Web sites listed below. You are not limited to the resources provided and may use additional outside materials for this section if needed. Be sure to properly cite all work.  
  • Then, address the following information as it relates to diversity in the workforce:  
    • The customs and values of 2 of the largest minority races or religions in the workforce (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic and Muslim percentage of the workforce)  
    • The need for sensitivity to their differing values and customs  
    • Legislation affecting supervisor regulations relating to these groups

Diversity Training Manual: Part II (1–2 pages) 

As the new HR Manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of the diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues, explaining how the supervisors should address them. The goal of this section is to supply information to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among a racially diverse body of employees.

Part II is to be titled: Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them

  • This section should discuss the following:  
    • Racial diversity in the workforce now and how it will look in the future, based on the U.S. population’s racial demographic changes  
    • Specific issues that create tensions in the workplace between different groups  
    • How leaders and supervisors need to address these potential issues  
      • Potential areas of focus for this part could include, but are not limited to, the following:  
        • Adopting a more diverse definition of diversity  
        • Using technology such as AI to avoid unconscious bias  
        • Sourcing candidates with nontraditional credentials  
        • Testing diversity initiatives with data  
        • Standardizing the interview process to reduce bias

Diversity Training Manual: Part III (2–3 pages)

The CEO indicated that gender issues are also of great concern for her in moving the company forward. With an overwhelming amount of men at the company, she wants to avoid any potential gender issues when writing job requirements, hiring employees, and interactions in the workplace. For this section, specifically address these 3 gender issues, and provide suggestions as to how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues. Be certain to address concerns such as: Can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement? 

Part III is to be titled: Overcoming Gender Issues in the Workforce

  • This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:  
    • A few general facts about the U.S. population’s gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce  
      • Make sure to include all sources of information. 
    • Address the 3 gender issues raised by the CEO, and provide suggestions on how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues.  
    • The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed  
      • Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case. 
    • Describe state minimum job requirements when requesting new employees to be hired into the department  
    • Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team

Diversity Training Manual

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