Assignmment Question:


Your consultancy practice has been approached by a recognised new client. You

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view this as a new business opportunity for a sustained and ongoing partnership with


The project

The project is for a £20 million, 8 storey hotel with 60 bedrooms to be built over a 2

year period, in a town centre for a three star group.

The site is congested; irregular in shape and sloping. The floors may need to be split

level to take full advantage of the site. The roof line though may need to disguise the

split levels and provide an eye catching silhouette, commensurate with the

surroundings. The external finishing needs to reflect the hotels image and

incorporate traditional and modern values of the town. Minimum load-bearing should

be carried on the external envelope to avoid perimeter foundations. The fit out of the

project will be in keeping with the hotels standards and to accommodate different

customer needs. Each floor will include a high level of sustainable services with

environmentally controlled management systems.

The new building is to be developed on the site behind an Edwardian terrace of three

storey shops /houses. Three of the terrace buildings, in the centre, will need to be

demolished to allow access to the new hotel. The remaining buildings need to be

shored and underpinned to allow the new development to take place.


Your consultancy practice has been approached by a recognised new client. You

view this as a new business opportunity for a sustained and ongoing partnership with


The project

The project is for a £20 million, 8 storey hotel with 60 bedrooms to be built over a 2

year period, in a town centre for a three star group.

The site is congested; irregular in shape and sloping. The floors may need to be split

level to take full advantage of the site. The roof line though may need to disguise the

split levels and provide an eye catching silhouette, commensurate with the

surroundings. The external finishing needs to reflect the hotels image and

incorporate traditional and modern values of the town. Minimum load-bearing should

be carried on the external envelope to avoid perimeter foundations. The fit out of the

project will be in keeping with the hotels standards and to accommodate different

customer needs. Each floor will include a high level of sustainable services with

environmentally controlled management systems.

The new building is to be developed on the site behind an Edwardian terrace of three

storey shops /houses. Three of the terrace buildings, in the centre, will need to be

demolished to allow access to the new hotel. The remaining buildings need to be

shored and underpinned to allow the new development to take place.

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