Complete the “Leadership Traits Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 2) and “Leadership Strengths Questionnaire” (Northouse, Chapter 3).  See attached pictures.

Note: Attached, you will find additional information (pics) from the book regarding the “Leadership traits” on Chapter #2, and “Leadership strengths” on Chapter #3.

Paper should include five to seven scholarly references, be five pages long, not counting cover page or references list. It should reflect the rubric in the following ways:

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1. Comprehension: What are the findings of the questionnaires?

2. Application: Discuss how your identified traits and strengths can enhance your ability to lead? How can your identified traits and weaknesses impede your ability to lead?

3. Analysis/Synthesis: How can your identified traits and strengths compare to those you have observed in nurse leaders? Create a plan to develop your strengths and address your weaknesses to meet the anticipated leadership responsibilities of your intended role (upon graduation from your program of study). 

Note: My program of study is Psychiatry Mental Health Nurse Practitioner). 

4. Evaluation: Summarize the value of examining your leadership traits and strengths.

– Free of Plagiarism (Turnitin assignment) 

– APA Style.

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