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FPGA development board

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VGA Monitor

PS/2 Keyboard

Monitor Cable

Terasic DE0-CV

Dell 17” Flat Panel LCD Monitor Model E176FP

V7 Standard PS/2 Keyboard 15 ft Monitor VGA Cable

Part Number











There are several hardware and software components required to develop the Hack computer system. The hardware described in the Project Description can be realized with an FPGA development board, a PS/2 keyboard, and a VGA monitor. In addition, software will be needed the FPGA development, and FPGA simulation. Lastly, a programming IDE will be needed for the software components in the later phases of the project.

The detailed requirements for each component can be found below.


FPGA Development Board

The FPGA development board must be able to support the following digital hardware components:

·         16-bit Hack CPU composed of ALU, registers, program counter, and control logic.

·         32 KB of ROM

·         32 KB of RAM

·         VGA Driver chip

·         PS/2 Driver chip

In addition it would be beneficial if the development board supported a VGA connector, a PS/2 connector, and simple programming interface for setting up the board.

The DE0-CV Board meets all the above requirements.

·         DE0-CV Board

o   Part Number: PP0192

o   Price $99

o   Available here.

DE0-CV Specifications

FPGA Device

  • Cyclone V 5CEBA4F23C7N Device
  • 49K Programmable Logic Elements
  • 3080 Kbits embedded memory
  • 4 Fractional PLLs

Configuration and Debug

  • Serial Configuration device – EPCS64 on FPGA
  • On-Board USB Blaster (Normal type B USB connector)
  • JTAG and AS mode configuration supported

Memory Device

  • 64MB SDRAM, x16 bits data bus



  • Two 2×20 GPIO Header (voltage levels: 3.3V)


Micro SD Card Socket

  • Provides SPI and 4-bit SD mode for Micro SD Card access


  • 10 LEDs
  • 10 Slide Switches
  • 4 Debounced Push Buttons
  • 1 CPU reset Push Buttons
  • Six 7-Segments


As shown above the DE0-CV development board with the Altera Cyclone V device meets all the hardware criteria to support our project initiative.

 For our project we are allowing the use of any standard keyboard or monitor and will not standardize to a single brand / model unless we run into incompatibilities. We allow this non-standardization for flexibility amongst the design engineers.

VGA Monitor

The VGA monitor will need to be able to support a 640×480 screen resolution at 60 Hz refresh rate.

The following monitor is one option that will meet our requirements:

·         Dell 17” Flat Panel LCD Monitor Model E176FP

o   Part Number: E173FP

o   Price: $39

o   Available here.

VGA Monitor Specifications

  • Native Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  • Contrast Ratio 450:1
  • Color Support 16.2 million colors
  • Horizontal Viewing Angle +70 / -70
  • Vertical Viewing Angle +60 / -60″
  • Pixel Pitch 0.264 mm
  • Brightness 300 cd/m2
  • Screen Coating Anti-glare, hard coating
  • Horizontal Refresh Rate 81 kHz
  • Vertical Refresh Rate 76 Hz
  • Manufacturer Dell, Inc.

PS/2 Keyboard

A standard PS/2 Keyboard will be needed.

The following keyboard is one option to meet this requirement:

·         V7 Standard PS/2 Keyboard Combo, Black

o   Part Number: CK0A2-4N6P

o   Price: $14.52

o   Available here.

Keyboard Specifications

Host Interface: PS/2 Interfaces/Ports: Pointing Device Host Interface: PS/2 Device Supported: Computer Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: RoHS Country of Origin: China


Monitor Cable

A standard cable will be needed to connect the monitor and development board. The following cable is one option.

· 15 ft Monitor VGA Cable – HD15 MM – VGA cable

o   Part Number: MXT101MM15

o   Price: $9.99

o   Available here.

Monitor Cable Specifications

  • HD15 MM
  • VGA cable
  • HD-15 (M) to HD-15 (M)
  • 15 ft
  • gray


Resource Requirements

List any special hardware and/or software required for this project, aside from typical parts and components.


FPGA Development Software

·         Quartus II 16.0

·         Modelsim-Altera

Programming IDE Software

·         Visual Studio / NetBeans


The DE0-CV development board is design to operate using the Quartus 2 software and the Altera Modelsim simulator.

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