I need this assignment completed by Thursday December 14th. Instructions are posted in the question. Must be in APA format, and no more than 5 pages. In the review the questions posted below must be answered. 

Microbial Journal Article Review

Students will choose one article from a primary scientific literature source which uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a 1-2 page summary of the study that answers the following questions (A/B/C/D/E):   

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A) Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e. description of background)?
B) What was the hypothesis(or hypotheses) under investigation?
C) What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results?
D) Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies?  In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?
E) Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?  

Many free articles may be obtained from or visit the campus library.

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