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Directions: Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words for each part. Please keep both separate, address each question and add the references at the bottom of each discussion. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite the information, do NOT plagiarize and ADD all references. No Cover Page Needed PLEASE INBOX ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTION or need reading material on the assignment! DUE Tomorrow Monday, 9/26 by 4PM CST

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Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common sense talent management: Using strategic human resources to improve company performance (Links to an external site.).  Retrieved from Ebook Central.

Part 1 BFOQ

Research the term BFOQ. Explain its importance and relevance to HRM. How might not appropriately incorporating well defined BFOQs lead to difficulties for the organization? How would the concept of BFOQ be linked to “disparate treatment” and/or “disparate impact” in respect to staffing? What is the link between the ADA (1990) and BFOQs? Use at least two scholarly sources in your reply. Remember to properly cite your sources.

Part 2 Foreign Restrictions on Termination 

Research the topic of restrictions on termination of employment in European countries. Assess the different requirements and consider risks, operational requirements for MNCs, modified HRM policies, and any other conditions or restrictions facing a firm operating in such environments. Use at least two recent, scholarly sources in your reply.

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