According to the FBI and other sources, the overall U.S. crime rate is the lowest it’s been in over 20 years. The crime rates in almost every category have gone down every year since 1993.  There are many theories that attempt to explain this decrease. Do a little research on the web and find ONE theory that explains this trend – there are MANY. Write a 200 – 250 word discussion post that briefly summarizes the theory.  Try to describe the evidence/data that supports the theory (if any), and offer at least one critique/criticism of the theory (your own or from a source).

Do not cut and paste from any source – that is plagiarism. Paraphrase and cite.

Cite your sources at the end of your post – cite AT LEAST TWO SOURCES.  Use whatever citation style you prefer (MLA, Chicago, Turabian, APA, etc.) but be sure to include the title, author, and publication (website name), and date of the source.  Use high quality sources – no blogs, no wikipedia.  Use correct grammar and spelling.

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Advice: pre-write your post in a separate (Word) document, then cut and paste into the discussion post window

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