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Tuesday August 1st @ 10:00PM




Comparison and contrast Essay of 2 text on a similar theme


-Atleast 750 words.


-It should be double-spaced with a 1” margin and type size 12 pts use Times New Roma.


– MLA style


-All papers must be in a word format, such as .doc or .rtf.






Read the Essay “The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz and the Essay “Cruel Country” by Judith Ortiz Cofer


do an analysis of text, tell your reader what you think is important in the essay. Don’t just tell the reader what the essay says; tell the reader what you think it means. Your purpose is to analyze the essay, explicating and analyzing the it for the reader.In your summary, be sure to answer the following questions:


Who is your reader for this essay? Why would he/she be interested? What is the meaning the reader is expected to get from this essay? What is the most important message the writer is trying to convey? What does the author have to say about why he/she wrote this What do you want the reader to see about your perception of the essay you are analyzing?


Give examples from the essay to illustrate the points you are making. If you quote from the essay, put it in quotation marks and put an in-text citation after the quotation marks. No more than 20% of this essay should be quotations. The rest should be in your own words. Do not use sources other than from our Reader.




Cruel Country (See attached pictures)



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