SWOT Analysis on Stetson University.

(Part one)

✅ Perform a SWOT Analysis on Stetson University:

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Use what you learn in Chapter 6, but I also expect you to demonstrate real initiative in your work.

Remember that Stetson University has a wealth of useful data that might guide your analysis.

There is no page requirement, but you will be evaluated on rigor, thoroughness, and the degree to which you successfully identify and analyze the issues you raise in the SWOT.

Finally, you should make some recommendations based on your SWOT Analysis.

✅ ( Part Two)

1. Take a look at the Boston Consulting Group matrix for industry analysis. Identify a company (four companies in total) that belongs in each of those four categories, and justify/explain your placement.

2. Analyze the higher education industry based on Porter’s 5 forces.

SWOT Analysis on Stetson University

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