Chapter 10:  Substance Use and Addictive Disorders


Major criteria for diagnosis of substance use disorder

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Delirium tremens (DT’s)

Korsakoff’s syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Prevalence of substance use disorders

Major categories of substances and drugs within each

Behavioral theory of substance use problems

Sociocultural theory of development of substance use problems

Psychodynamic view of development of substance use problems

Cognitive-Behavioral view of development of substance use problems

Genetic theories of substance use

Reward deficiency syndrome

Behavior therapies:  aversion therapy , contingency training

CBT/Relapse prevention training


Antagonist drugs

Methadone maintenance

Self-help treatment

Therapeutic communities

Gambling disorder

Internet gaming disorder




Chapter 13:  Personality Disorders


Definition of personality disorder


Categorical vs. dimensional approach

3 clusters of personality disorders and the disorders in each category

Relative responsiveness to treatment

Odd cluster: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal: similarities and differences

Interventions used with “odd” cluster

Dramatic cluster:  antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic: similarities and differences

Comorbidity with antisocial

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Anxious cluster:  avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive:  similarities and differences

Major problems with categorical approach—issues of validity and reliability

Big Five theory of personality

Personality disorder trait specified (PDTS)

Five problematic traits


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