Textbook: Cox, Steven M.,Allen, Jennifer M.,Hanser, Robert D.. Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice (Kindle Locations 11392-11394). SAGE Publications. 

Answer the following critical thinking question:

1. Discuss the roles of the prosecutor and defense counsel in juvenile court. 

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Why is the presence of legal representatives for both sides crucial in contemporary juvenile court? Discuss the relationship between the prosecutor and defense counsel. 

2. Why is the judge such a powerful figure in juvenile court? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the judge as lawgiver and parent figure? How well trained are juvenile court judges? 

3. In what sense is the role of juvenile probation officer ambiguous? What are the consequences of this ambiguity? How important is the probation officer in juvenile court proceedings? 

4. What role do representatives from the department of children and family services play in juvenile court proceedings? Why are CASAs important in juvenile court proceedings? 

Discuss the roles of the prosecutor and defense counsel in juvenile court.  Why is the presence of legal representatives for both sides crucial in contemporary juvenile.  Additionally, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the judge as lawgiver and parent figure?  

***** 4 fully developed pages include correct usage of APA format, your Christian world view, and relevant in-text support for both. The title-page, abstract, and reference page(s) are not included in the page count requirement*******

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