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Adopting Policy This Assignment addresses the following course outcome:

 Propose strategies to evaluate a policy or program within its political and economic contexts.

The policy process is generally not perceived to be a linear process. It may consist of both vertical and horizontal movements through time including reiterative cyclical analysis, evaluation, revaluation, redefinition, reargument, persuasive adjustment, consensus building, deconstruction, reconstruction, reformulation, reinvention, advocacy, and strategic coalition building. The process is not only nonlinear, but may be geometric or quadratic, with many different variables having different significance depending upon the point in time in which the policy proposal has developed. For example, oil industry lobby groups seeking favorable oil drilling tax incentives have a greater likelihood of success than one oil company sending position papers to a Texas senator.

The assignment 


Using a policy example in your home state of OHio (state or local, not federal) prepare a paper identifying and describing the forces that led to the adoption of a policy. Compare and contrast the influence of the political, social, economic, and legal forces. Assess their impact and provide evidence to support your assessment.

In your evaluation, you should:

Identify endogenous and exogenous factors or variables that affect the Policy Process Model.

Describe the application of these factors.

Explain how these factors affect the Policy Process Model.

Evaluate how these factors or variables affected the Policy Process Model, describing their overall impact and influence on the ultimate outcome.

Use APA format when referring to your textbooks or any outside sources throughout the course.

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