In the attachment includes your APPLE Inc. 7-1 case study article, and a EXAMPLE of Walt Disney case study to guide students to complete assignment. The rubic and PPT is also included. 


Apple Inc.: Performance in a Zero-Sum World Economy 7-1 

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Apple, the first company to mass-market a personal computer, had become a minor player in an industry dominated by Microsoft. After being expelled from the company in 1985, founder Steve Jobs returned as CEO in 1997 to re-energize the firm. The introduction of the iPod in 2001, followed by the iPad, catapulted Apple back into the spotlight. However, in 2011 Jobs was forced to take his third medical leave, leading to questions regarding his ability to lead Apple.

1. How can Apple continue its success?

2. How dependent is the company on Steve Jobs?


p.s. everything above is the email from my professor, my case study and questions. please see the attachment for all details. 

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