Your final project is to present a leadership training plan that includes cultural sensitivity.

Your organization plans to adopt cultural humility in place of cultural competency as a

framework. Create a cultural humility policy with procedures for your organization. You

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can then include the new policy in your leadership training plan.

Your policy will need the following components:

● Policy Title: Title of policy, name of organization and date.

● Purpose: Include what organizational values and goals this policy supports.
● Policy Statement:Define the concepts of cultural humility.

● Procedures:Who is responsible for implementation of this policy? How often

will staff be trained? Howwill staff be trained? Howwill staff implement and

maintain the policy?What happens if staff violate the policy?

● References: List 2–3 references using APA style, single-spaced.

Additional Requirements

● Written communication:Written communication is free of errors that detract

from the overall message.

● Use the policy format presented above.

● Font, font size, page length: Times NewRoman, 12-point font, single-spaced, 2


● Include a reference list with 2–3 properly cited references for this assignment.

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