Topic: Economics of the restaurant or hospitality industry

Please write a concise summary for article 1 and article 2 with each 250 word limit 

Format of the summary should be like as below 

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1. Cite the article using APA style including in site text citations
2. write a concise summary for article 1 and article 2 with each 250 word limit by covering the below points
summarize the information provided
3. Possible shortcomings or biases of the work
4. What you found more interesting in this work

Article 1: Key Threats to Economic Security of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises

Published in: Bìznes Inform,2021,Directory of Open Access JournalsBy: Voroniuk Ievgeniia V.

Article 2: COVID-19 Crisis Management on the Example of Hospitality Industry Enterprise in Latvia

Published in: Problemi Ekonomiki,2022,Directory of Open Access Journals

By: Koryuhina Catherine;Shamshina Tatyana;Riashchenko Viktoriia;Gryshova Inna Yu.

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