Short-Essay Assignment 3


For this assignment you will compose a well-written and thoughtful short-essay of 500-750 words in length (2-3 pages). Select and answer one of the four questions provided.

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Format & Expectations

State your thesis, the answer you want to defend using at least three well-supported reasons embodying logic, reason, and research. Give possible objections to your arguments, answer these objections and restate your conclusion.

Essays should include a Works Cited page following MLA Style.

For grading expectations, please refer to the PHIL200 Writing Rubric.


Submit your essay as an attachment within the Assignments area.

Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET


Answer one of the questions below in a well-written, thoughtful essay:

  1. Why, according to the “principle of equality” must one show that there are real differences rather than just surmise that they exist?
  2. Give arguments for or against the proposition that cloning is “playing God”.
  3. Agree or disagree with Kant’s thesis that acts that are not universalizable or use persons, are wrong even if they bring about good results or consequences.
  4. Compare Nietzsche’s notion of “will to power” with C. G. Jung’s insight Quoted in the following citation: “Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking.”

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