Entries by Dr. Liam


WEEK 5 DISCUSSION 2. Nearly all projects produce lessons learned, many of which have applications to other current or future projects. While these lessons may be shared at any point during a project, a lessons learned meeting should be held at the end of every project. Using the project from this week’s first discussion, prepare […]

Thanks for installing the Bottom of every post plugin by Corey Salzano. Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design.

Week 5 Discussion 1

Week 5 Discussion 1. Kick-off meetings are commonly held for many types of events and occurrences; however, they play a critical role in project management. Select a project (real or proposed) that would benefit your current or a past employer. Prepare an agenda for use at the project kick-off meeting that shows the important points […]

Thanks for installing the Bottom of every post plugin by Corey Salzano. Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design.

Risk Status Report

Risk Status Report. Scenario The Quick Drop 100 transition team has met to identify project risks, explore contingency plans, and assign owners to watch for symptoms and address the risks. The team surfaced the following information: Julie is scheduled for a one week vacation during month three of the project. The supplier of a common […]

Thanks for installing the Bottom of every post plugin by Corey Salzano. Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design.

week 4 discussion 2

week 4 discussion 2. We can easily look at a project schedule and quickly determine if we are ahead or behind of the plan. We can make a similar inference by examining the project budget and estimate if we have overspent or underspent, but do these two items by themselves tell the full and true […]

Thanks for installing the Bottom of every post plugin by Corey Salzano. Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design.