Entries by Grace

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Jordan is a 35-year-old woman who presents with intermittent diarrhea with cramping that is relieved by defecation. The diarrhea is not bloody or accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Review of past medical history includes some childhood “stomach issues”, HTN, and a recent cholecystectomy. She works in the environmental department of a large […]

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Advanced Pharmacology

Advanced Pharmacology. Advanced Pharmacology  Choose two diagnoses from the following list: · Migraine · Seizure Disorder · Alzheimer’s Disease · Bell’s Palsy · Insomnia For each of the two diagnoses you choose, select two drug categories used for treatment. For each of the two drug categories, choose two specific pharmacological agents. Include the following in […]

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Your Nursing Career

Your Nursing Career.   Read Chapter 12 1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search? 2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their résumés? 3. What should you know about your prospective employer before the job interview? 4. What should the interviewee try to […]

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Assessing Clients

Assessing Clients. To prepare: · Select a client whom you have observed or counseled at your practicum site. ( EX 23 years old white male with depression and suicide ideations). · Review pages 137–142 of the Wheeler text and the Hernandez Family Genogram video in this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on elements of writing a Comprehensive Client […]

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