Entries by Grace

Formulating Research Questions

Formulating Research Questions. Research problems can come from a variety of  places. A topic can come up during a discussion with a colleague that  motivates you to want to learn more about it. You may have a question  for which you cannot find an answer, so you decide to conduct a research  study in hopes […]

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Using Visuals To Enhance Viewer Perception

Using Visuals To Enhance Viewer Perception. Competency Analyze and interpret perceptual elements of visual media communication to identify effective visual messages. Scenario You have been hired by a large law enforcement agency to analyze the images used on advertising billboards in both urban and suburban regions. The billboards visually display a new campaign message to […]

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Health Promotion In Minority Populations

Health Promotion In Minority Populations. Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group. In a paper of […]

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Analysis Of A Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Analysis Of A Pertinent Healthcare Issue. The Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided […]

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