Entries by Grace

General Education

General Education. General Education Capstone – Week 3 Assignment Article Evaluation Choose a topic to research that focuses on problems and solutions.  Write your topic statement here: ____________________________________________________________________________ To complete your article evaluation this week, conduct a search and find two articles from the Grantham Library (EBSCO) and two from the Internet on your topic.  Make sure to copy and […]

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Employee Discrimination

Employee Discrimination. Employee Discrimination Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. Unfortunately, employment discrimination can still be found in all industries across the country. The […]

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Management. What is Project Management, and what are the requirements for an individual to become a successful project manager? Please refer textbook chapter-4 page no. 142-143 and write an essay with all characteristics a project manager should possess. Use APA style and review 3 or more peer-reviewed journals to support your answer. This essay must […]

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Management. Unit 8 DB: Equal Pay for Equal Work (HRM307) Please watch the video in the “Readings and Resources” section above on equal pay and share your views on whether we have an equal pay problem in the U.S. and why or why not?  Have you or anyone close to you ever experienced gender pay inequality […]

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