Entries by Grace

Employee Arbitration Agreements

Employee Arbitration Agreements. Business Law I – Week 3 Assignment 10th Justice; Employee Arbitration Agreements All organizations in the country employ people. Employment laws impact everyone, regardless if you are actively employed or not. As employers continue to control costs associated with claims from employees, employers have commonly turned to arbitration agreements. These agreements normally […]

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Project MGT 323

Project MGT 323. What is Project Management, and what are the requirements for an individual to become a successful project manager? Please refer textbook chapter-4 page no. 142-143 and write an essay with all characteristics a project manager should possess. Use APA style and review 3 or more peer-reviewed journals to support your answer. This […]

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Management. Unit 8.1 Discussion: Leadership (HRM335) Consider a highly visible businessperson in a leadership position.  Consider a highly visible leader whose styles/traits fit in terms of what we have learned from our reading. What characteristics have made this person successful? Since all leaders encounter dissension at some point, what characteristics have helped this person handle conflict and […]

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Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years

Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years. Assignment 3: Presentation: “Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years” Due Week 9 and worth 250 points In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next 20 years. Write […]

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