Entries by Grace


FOUNDATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 2. MODULE 4 TOPIC: Public Health Nursing Assessment Performing a public health nursing assessment is a critical first step in determining health needs and appropriate interventions to meet them. For this assignment you perform a public health nursing assessment using the Public Health Nursing Tool (PHNAT) included in Chapter 3 […]

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Resolving Disputes And Managing Risk

Resolving Disputes And Managing Risk. Negligence and Medical Malpractice View the assigned Healthcare Law LearnScape interactive episode. You will be presented with a negligence case stemming from an incident in the hospital. You must interview staff members and work with the General Counsel to determine the hospital’s liability for negligence and medical malpractice. Prompt: Based […]

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Sociology. 1. Imagine you are the president of a Fortune 500 Company. You started out as a secretary right out of high school and worked your way to the top. The vice president and CEO are always at odds. As an expressive leader, how do you resolve this social dilemma and restore order in the […]

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Healthcare Reimbursement

Healthcare Reimbursement. For this assignment, you create a Power Point Presentation discussion ACA and health insurance. Address the following questions in the presentation Title slide Discuss in your own words at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to MCO’s (2-3 slides) Discuss the specific characteristics of HMO’s (how are HMO’s different from other plans?) (2-3 […]

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