Entries by Grace

8500-Discussion – 1

8500-Discussion – 1. Leadership, Management, and Systems Thinking What does leadership mean to you? Additionally, how do leadership and leadership responsibilities differ between health care administration leaders and managers? The difference between health care administration leadership and health care management may be highlighted by the way in which each uses a systems approach in solving […]

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8500- Assignment: Professional Leadership Journal: Value Systems

8500- Assignment: Professional Leadership Journal: Value Systems. This week’s self-assessment, located in your text, is a brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Value Systems.” This simple assessment is designed to initiate your thinking on the topic of values in leadership and how your values might impact your leadership in the field of health care administration. For […]

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8210-Discussion – 1

8210-Discussion – 1. Discussion – Week 1 The Logic of Inference: The Science of Uncertainty Describing and explaining social phenomena is a complex task. Box’s quote speaks to the point that it is a near impossible undertaking to fully explain such systems—physical or social—using a set of models. Yet even though these models contain some […]

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8210-Assignment: Variables, Measurement, And SPSS

8210-Assignment: Variables, Measurement, And SPSS. SPSS is a statistical software program that allows you to enter these variables into a spreadsheet format and record the measurements from a sample. Additionally, SPSS allows you to perform statistical analysis. Before launching into your analyses, though, it is important to understand how the variables are measured. That understanding […]

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