Entries by Grace

Ethical scenario 1

Ethical scenario 1. Directions: Read the case scenario as identified below.  Guided by your understanding, use the National Education Association Code of Ethics (NEA), NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, the Mississippi Educator Code of Ethics Standard of Conduct, and the INTASC Model Core Standards to identify the standard violated, the offense committed, […]

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Ethical scenario 2

Ethical scenario 2. Directions: Read each of the case scenario as identified below.  Guided by your understanding, use the National Education Association Code of Ethics (NEA), NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, the Mississippi Educator Code of Ethics Standard of Conduct and the INTASC Model Core Standards to identify the standard violated, […]

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Performance Task: The Hiring Process from A–Z

Performance Task: The Hiring Process from A–Z. To complete this Assignment you will: Write a job description/posting that specifically cultivates under-represented and culturally diverse applicants. Design interview questions and script the interview process as interviewees are brought in for a panel interview. Describe how you utilize teacher leaders in their content area/grade level to add […]

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ESSAY. Marijuana and Methamphetamine, HOOKED: ILLEGAL DRUGS ep.1 (Links to an external site.) by the History Channel on YouTube REMEMBER: Student must discuss the following points in reaction papers (in ESSAY FORMAT; not numbered questions): One paragraph summary (at least 3-4 sentences) of what documentary film/movie was about and if there was any bias (This means: […]

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