Entries by Grace

Health behavior

Health behavior. ocus is on health behaviors which are on the rise and can have a negative consequence on an individual (discussed in Slide Deck 1 Part 2: Obesity/HIV/AIDS/Youth Violence). In lecture tonight, we spoke about how each of these behaviors/topics continue to rise and the relationship to the Ecological Model. **Please look up one […]

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Technology in the Mathematics Classroom

Technology in the Mathematics Classroom. As education advances in the 21stst century, educators must be prepared to use technology to engage students in learning, enhance instruction, and support students with exceptionalities. Create a 7-10 slide digital presentation for a staff development session for elementary school teachers  on the use of technology in the mathematics classroom. […]

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Aspects of democratic leadership

Aspects of democratic leadership. Reflection 1- One of the aspects of democratic leadership is to help followers take responsibility for themselves.  How do you assess your own ability to help others help themselves? Action 2- . If you were to try to strengthen your philosophy of leadership, what kinds of changes would you have to […]

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ethical dilemma.

ethical dilemma.. Select a relatively current event that deals with one or more ethical dilemma. Compose an essay that addresses the ethical factors from an organizational perspective. National examples may include Department of Defense contracting events, Hurricane Katrina (or similar catastrophic events), election campaign funding, BP oil spill, or lobbyist operations. Local or state events […]

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