Entries by Grace

Literature Review

Literature Review. A literature review is a synthesized research report on a specific topic, in your case it would be your area of focus. Synthesized is not summary, it means you are reading and discussing diverse aspects of your study. You begin with an introduction of your subject and then subheadings on the same subject. […]

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Clinical Field Experience B: Phonics and Word Recognition

Clinical Field Experience B: Phonics and Word Recognition. Allocate as least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience. Part 1: Phonics and Word Recognition: I Do, We Do, You Do Chart Consult with your mentor teacher to decide the direction you will take to provide small group instruction to 3-4 students on […]

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music. You’ll notice that several stanza of lyrics are delivered in an AAB pattern.  In other words, Blind Lemon sings a statement, repeats the statement, and then responds to the statement. Blues songs often follow this pattern, superimposing it over the standard Blues Form. Instructions: 1. Listen to Blind Lemon Jefferson’s Matchbox Blues. Watch VideoBlind […]

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Discussion. Topic 3 Discussion   Question 1 What is the importance of students developing their phonological awareness? Describe two strategies to encourage students to pay attention to the sounds of spoken language.   Topic 3: Discussion Question 2 How do word recognition, phonemic awareness, and print concepts each relate to fluency? What is the importance of […]

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