Entries by Mary

Data Management, Analytics, And Business Intelligence

Data Management, Analytics, And Business Intelligence. Consider your organization or another organization with which you are familiar. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the following questions: o What do you think is one of the most interesting uses of database technology by this organization? Why? o Who benefits from this use and in what […]

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Performance Management Process

Performance Management Process. Read “Case 2-2: Performance Management at KS Cleaners” from the textbook. Answer questions #1, #2, and #3 (located at the end of the case study and also as follows). Question #1: In the context of KSC, critically evaluate the availability of any prerequisites to implementing a performance management process. Question #2: Discuss […]

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Case Study

Case Study. Read the Case Study associated with the specific unit carefully, then proceed as follows: Prepare a response that is 750 words (+/- 75 words, excluding title page and reference page), double-spaced and follows APA format and referencing style. While there is no “formula” for analyzing case studies, the following guidelines are recommended: Define […]

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Suburban Homes Construction Project Case Study

Suburban Homes Construction Project Case Study. Read the Suburban Homes Construction Project case study found at the end of chapters 1 through 4, CPM 4e and answer the following questions in a paper formatted using a question-response format: Question 1 (from Unit 1) – What advice would you offer to Adam Smith on improving the performance of […]

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