Discussion Question

Read: Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders his Power to Alter Public Space by Brent Staples

Discussion Question: Have you ever been in a situation such as the ones Brent Staples describes, where you perceived someone (or someone perceived you) as threatening? How did you react? After reading Staples’s essay, do you think you would react the same way now? In what order does Staples present his examples? What are some of the examples he uses in the essay?

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Your discussion grade will be based on the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightful response; also, your use of correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraph format. Develop at least the minimum word count of 350 words. Should include an introduction paragraph, one body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph; use at least 12-inch font, times new roman, indent your paragraphs, and double space the document.

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