
Week 9 Assignment – An Ethical Quandary
In last week’s activity, you described how public health managers can effectively promote an “ethics-focused” organizational culture. Even though an ethics-based culture may exist, applying ethics standards to scenarios presented in public health agencies is still necessary. Leaders need to have a framework for analyzing issues to arrive at ethically informed decisions. In this assignment, you will apply an analytical framework to justify a position on an ethics-related topic.
• Identify an ethical issue related to public healthcare that interests you. Examples are nearly endless. Three examples are:
• The ethics of providing individuals needles for drug use.
• Releasing a vaccine in an emergency pandemic without completing the usual time-intensive testing and research.
• Making vaccines mandatory in times of pandemic.
• Review EXHIBIT 11.3 Framework for Analysis of Ethical Issues in Public Health found in chapter 11 of your textbook. You will use this framework to analyze the issue and arrive at a position regarding it.
Identify your chosen issue and analyze it using the framework for Analysis of Ethical Issues in Public Health found in your textbook. Do the following in 3-4 pages:
• Analyze the ethical issue by answering at least 4 of the probing questions found in the framework.
• Briefly evaluate the ethical dimensions of TWO distinct options for resolving the dilemma against the following:
• Utility.
• Justice.
• Respect for individual interests.
• Respect for legitimate public institutions.
• State and justify your chosen position on the issue by evaluating it against the following principles:
• Effectiveness.
• Proportionality.
• Necessity.
• Least infringement.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
• Analyze ethical issues faced by public health leaders.

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