Your group has been assigned the following case for comprehensive analysis. Please refer to the syllabus for detailed information on the STAGE I and STAGE II segments of the analyses (see Steps and guidelines for case analysis, pages 13-16 of the syllabus). Stage I involves several steps (five steps), and the syllabus fully explains how to address each step. Stage II requires you to provide detailed and thorough answers to the following questions related to your case.
I would strongly recommend that you start on the case analysis as soon as possible and compare your progress with the ‘stay on track’ markers (in the syllabus) to finish the project for submission on time. The case analysis is very comprehensive and will require a lot of time. Also, please review pages 3 and 4 of the syllabus regarding group assignment and the responsibilities of individual group members.
I have placed three documents (examples, steps, etc.,) related to case analysis on the home page of the eCourse, which can provide guidance and clarifications on case analysis.
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1. Using Porter’s approach to industry analysis, analyze various competitive forces and discuss whether/how strongly they are contributing to the competitive pressure faced by the company.
2. Does Rocky Mountain Chocolate have a sustainable strategy? Explain.
3. What are the keys to success in Rocky Mountain Chocolate?
4. Identify the major problems (if any) for the company. What strategic recommendations would you make to the top management? Would the company be able to implement them? Explain.
Sample is atached guidelines and examples
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