Overview For this Assessment, you will create a PowerPoint Presentation for  colleagues in the early childhood field that provides key information on  special education services for young children ages 3 through 8,  including effective practices for supporting the parents/families of  young children with exceptionalities.Submission Length: 10–15 PowerPoint slides.Professional Skills: Written Communication and Technology are assessed in this Competency.Your response to this Assessment should:

  • Use the Assessment documents as required.
  • Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.
  • Adhere to the required assignment length.

—INSTRUCTIONS—(ATTACHED BELOW) Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.

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Sharing Key Information on Special Education Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8

You have shared your work in this Competency on special education  services for children ages 3 through 8 with the Director of your early  childhood program. In turn, the Director asks you to prepare a  PowerPoint Presentation for colleagues in your program that explains:

  • Early Childhood Special Education/School-Age Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8
  • Emotional and Cultural Considerations in Working with Families of Young Children with Exceptionalities
  • Parents’ Rights and Roles in Special Education Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8

Your presentation goal is to explain key information that will help  other early childhood professionals support young children with  exceptionalities and have greater understanding of the experiences and  perspectives of their parents and families.To complete this Assessment:Use the PowerPoint Presentation Template, and create a PowerPoint Presentation consisting of 10–15 slides.

  • Title (1 Slide) Include: 
    • Your presentation title (e.g., “Supporting Young Children With Exceptionalities Ages 3 Through 8 and Their Families”)
    • Your name

     This assessment has three-parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part I: Early Childhood Special Education/School-Age Services for Children Ages 3 Through 8 (3–5 slides) In this section, provide essential information for early childhood  professionals on special education services for young children, ages 3  through 8, by creating presentation slides that explain:

  • Three key characteristics of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for children ages 3 to 5
  • At least four key steps in the transition process for children and families moving from ECSE to school-age services
  • Two key similarities and/or differences in school-age special  education services for children ages 5 through 8 compared with ECSE

Part II: Emotional and Cultural Considerations in Working with Families of Young Children with Exceptionalities (2–4 slides) In this section, provide colleagues with information and effective  practices to increase their awareness of emotional and cultural  perspectives of families of young children with exceptionalities by  creating presentation slides that explain:

  • Stages of emotion that families of young children with  exceptionalities may experience and effective practices for supporting  parents/families through specific stages
  • Three cultural considerations, including differences in how cultures  view exceptionalities, and at least two effective practices for working  with diverse families of young children with exceptionalities.

Part III: Parents’ Rights and Roles in Special Education Services for Young Children Ages 3 Through 8 (3–4 slides) In this section, provide information to help early childhood  professionals support parents/families, and foster involvement in their  children’s special education services by creating presentation slides  that explain

  • Parents’ rights regarding participation in their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and review;
  • Parent’s unique roles and perspectives in IEP development and review
  • Three effective practices for IEP meetings that foster parents’ involvement and support

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