How To Write an Exceptional White Paper!
White papers are one of the most misunderstood, miswritten and misused marketing tools available. While many companies think they need a white paper, few manage to write, design or use them to their full potential. This is unfortunate, because – written and applied well – white papers are one of the most powerful tools in the sales and marketing toolkit.
White papers make companies credible. They help position companies as
thought leaders, and they aid the selling process by informing and educating the prospect base.
The ideal use of a white paper is to offer details that aid in the reader’s meaningful problem-solving. It should provide justification for why the issue must be resolved, objectively consider potential solutions, and rationally persuade the reader that your company has the know-how, experience, and resources necessary to address the issue.
White papers should be created to aid in the progression of potential customers through the sales funnel, but they must do so by using unbiased analysis and comprehensive, educational material. White papers are far too frequently written in a way that makes them fall under the purview of technical papers that places them in the realm of sales brochures and data sheets.