Instructions: In class, we discussed the different types of evidence (examples, statistics, testimonials) that can be used to support an argument. For this activity, you to start to develop your argument for the final paper (i.e., the written persuasive appeal) by locating different types of evidence that support your argument. Refer to class notes from Unit 8 (Logos) to help you complete this activity.

Before beginning the activity, visit the Final Paper folder on eCampus and pick the topic that you will argue for in your final paper. The potential topics are listed on the Written Persuasive Appeal Instructions document. Once you choose a topic, complete the following steps: (I choose “”Should marijuana be legalized? “”)

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  • Based on your topic, write a one-sentence thesis statement about the position you will argue in your final paper. Make sure it corresponds with one of the three provided topics.
  • For EACH of the three types of evidence we discussed in class (examples, statistics, and testimonials), find one source that fits that type of evidence (e.g., for statistics, X% of people are influenced by this or Y program costs x amount of dollars; for examples, describe a story or theoretical piece that illustrates a viewpoint; for testimonial, find an interview or the actual words/opinion of a stakeholder). Academic articles, books, and primary documents are all great sources. Newspapers and editorials can also be used, but be selective. Each source must be relevant to your position on your final paper topic.
  • Provide detail about each of the three sources you find. You can (and are encouraged) to use quotes from your articles/books (provided you cite the page number), but you are required to interpret this quote in your own words. Additionally, indicate how this type of evidence will be useful in supporting your argument.
  • Provide a citation for each of the three sources using APA 6th edition format. Visit for clarification on APA style.

Organization tip: Consider organizing this assignment by each of the three sources. Specifically, provide the citation for the source and then under the citation answer the questions about that source before moving on to the next source.

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