Complete the required reading, and then choose one of the following discussion questions and provide a response (minimum word count of 200 and include a quote from the text)..
Due  Wednesday 11:59 pm. 

2. Comment on at least two other student’s discussion question responses. Your comment must be polite and add value or seek to obtain clarification. For example, your comment might include a thoughtful question that allows the original commenter to elaborate on their writing.
Due Sunday 11:59 pm.

Discussion question 1: Why is criteria important when making a recommendation? Also, using the following table (or something similar), identify the criteria you have used in the past to make an important decision, and share some history about the impact that decision has had on your life.

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Example: Replaced the example text (blue) 

Criteria A:[Fuel Efficiency] Score 1-5

Criteria B:[Passenger Capacity – # Seats]

Criteria C:[Price – MSRP]

Option 1: 
[Honda Pilot]




Option 2: 
[Ford Explorer]




Option 3: 
[Toyota Highlander]




Criteria Weight (multiplication factor)








Note: If after reading the book you still have questions about establishing criteria, watch (at least the first part) of these humorous videos that rank choices based on criteria: (criteria is shared about 10 seconds in) (criteria is shared about 2 minutes in)

Discussion question 2: What is the difference between a feasibility report and a recommendation report? Provide a link to an example and describe what we can learn from your example. 

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