The Course Project:

An organizational development intervention is typically required when  a problem, such as morale, behavior, or absenteeism, poses a threat to  productivity and profitability.

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You are an internal organizational consultant in an organization in  which you are now employed, or in an organization in which you were  recently employed. Describe and analyze an O.B. problem(s) and recommend  an organizational plan for change and intervention, based on what you  have learned from this course. Provide your rationale as to why you  think your approach will help. This will require a practitioner analysis  of the organizational problem of interest to you and an academic  literature review of similar organization problems and interventions  that you believe will be most beneficial in solving the problem. Also,  provide an evaluation plan for the proposed intervention(s).

Key components of Phase I:

  1. Introduce your paper – Since the first paragraph or section of a  document is assumed to be the introduction, “the heading ‘Introduction’  is not needed. Do not begin a paper with an ‘Introduction’ heading”  (APA, 2020, p. 47). The first section heading after the introductory  paragraph or section should be a Level 1 heading (APA, 2020, p. 47).
  2. Problem Identification (Description of the problem)
  3. Description of the Organization (Hypothetical or real)
  4. Context of the Problem – provide specific details about patterns  observed or tangible evidence that the problem impacts productivity and  efficiency. This creates a compelling need for change and intervention.  If possible, include statistical data and quotes from workers to support  each statement you make:
  • How do you know it’s a problem?
  • Specifically, what is the problem?
  1. Provide a summary projection of what you will address in Phase II
  2. Not less than 5 references

Course Project Phase I must be in APA format and it is due no later than the specified time Saturday, January 29

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