Course Project – Website Security Test Plan for Peapod Grocery Business

The CIO of the online grocery store has asked you to create a website security plan that will keep the information that they are entrusted with safe, secure and out of the news. For this assignment, please include the following:

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  1. An executive summary.
  2. An introduction to the plan.
  3. A web security plan strategy (also include the security policy that you designed for module 03).
  4. Deliverables.
  5. Test cases.
  6. You will have at least 5 sources for this paper, with 2 being scholarly sources. Include in-text citations in your paper. Your sources need to be listed according to APA formatting guidelines on your reference page.
  7. Include an APA formatted title page.
  8. Plan should be a minimum of 6 pages.

*Grammar, spelling, and the layout of your essay will also be taken into account when grading this assignment.

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