
Initial Post:

For your initial post, select one current nursing quantitative research article that may be translated into evidence-based practice. Review the article and complete the worksheet provided. Your analysis will include the required elements of the research process. Identify the steps or elements of the study. Determine the strengths and limitations of the research study including the components of rigor. Evaluate the credibility and meaning of the study findings. Attach the completed worksheet to your initial discussion post.

Module 04 Discussion Worksheet.docx

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Replies to Classmates:
  • Review the quantitative articles selected by a minimum of two classmates. Access the article through the permalink provided in the worksheet.
  • Describe one area of the critical appraisal you found incomplete including a supporting rationale
  • Describe one area of the critical appraisal which provided new knowledge.
  • Describe the new knowledge gained including how you will apply in future critical appraisals of research.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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