Mind mapping is a technique for outlining information in diagrams using written text and lines, symbols, keywords, colors, and images.

Before you complete your Mind Map

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Create a mind map for how critical thinking is used as a nurse based on the major components of critical thinking and/or evidence-based practice (EBP). The branches should expand on at least four thoughts/ideas from the major components.

Include the following design elements in your mind map:

  • Follow the branch or hook format–branches are thickest closest to the central component (i.e., closest equals EBP in priority order)
  • Use the same colors for each theme/set of relationships (a mind map is brightly colored)
  • Major components of a topic have branches which expand on many thoughts/ideas
  • Present names on all or most of the branches or hooks
  • Use at least four relevant illustrations, which will make the mind map memorable
  • Topics radiate from the center of the page–ideas branch out from other ideas in a logical and organized manner

Mind Mapping Options

These are available resources to help you complete your mind map. You may use any of these options or any other mind mapping tools that you find.


Gregory, S. (2009, May 6). How to make a mind map–The basics [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/wLWV0XN7K1g

Ayoa. (2015, January 26). How to mind map with Tony Buzan [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/u5Y4pIsXTV0

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