Read a Scholarly Article about CQ: For this discussion, each student will need to select a scholarly journal article about CQ in a specific professional discipline. Note that a variety of articles have been provided in the Discussion Resources area below to relate to a large selection of degree fields and professional interests; however, if a student does not find an article that matches their interests, they can do their own research to find a different article. You should send the article to your professor and get prior approval before using an article if it is different than the ones provided.

Once you have read your article please answer the following questions in your thread: (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help guide your writing).

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  • Briefly summarize the article. (What were the researchers studying? What was the primary thesis of the article? How did they conduct their research? What were the results?)
  • Using this article as well as other course materials, discuss the implications of Cultural Intelligence in your chosen professional field. (What cross-cultural challenges exist in your profession? How will having high CQ help to address those challenges? What other research needs to be done in order to develop high CQ in your field?)
  • Imagine you were creating a professional development seminar on cultural intelligence for professionals in your chosen field. Aside from simply defining CQ, what topics would you focus on? How would you help your attendees practically apply CQ to your field?

Remember to include a citation for your article and any other sources you use at the bottom of your thread.

Discussion Resources


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