You work in the human resources department of a company that does business in 25 different countries. You have learned that communication culture in your workplace has a significant impact on your employees’ experience, motivation, engagement, and overall business success. Your manager has asked you to write a memo on why and how to build a great communication culture at your company. 


  • Identify 2 cultures you selected.
  • Identify 2 to 4 communication topics to discuss in your memo:
  • Language and verbal communication
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Family communication
  • Workplace communication
  • The expression of emotions
  • Friendship communication
  • Romantic relationships, including dating, nonmarital commitments, and marriage
  • Discuss how the 2 cultures are similar and different in your selected communication topic areas.
  • Discuss additional common communication practices in each culture.
  • Discuss how the communications practices in each culture are similar and how they are different.
  • Discuss how culture influences the way we communicate and form relationships with others.
  • List ways employees can improve their ability to communicate competently in cross-cultural interactions

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