: Topic 2 DQ 2

Global health issues are those that have significant impact on the health of the international communities which may be either a preventable or treatable infectious disease or chronic conditions (Maurer & Smith, 2013, p.118). Health disparities occur among countries from developed to underdeveloped countries wherein the former would usually have more resources and economic stability. The standard of health care being provided to citizens of higher-income countries are higher than those of the middle-income and lower-income countries (Maurer & Smith, 2013, p.114).

Hypertension is a continuing global health issue that affects people all over the world from the rich to the poor. According to The Washington Post (2016), hypertension is becoming more common among middle and lower income countries than higher income countries. It was estimated that around 921 million adults had hypertension in 2000 which significantly increased to 1.39 billion adults by 2010 which is about 31 % of adults world-wide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016), hypertension affects around 75 million Americans which is about 1 in every 3 adults wherein only about 54 percent would have their blood pressure under control. Hypertension alone costs the United States around $48.6 billion a year in health care costs.

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In the United States, there are initiatives like those found within the Healthy People 2020 goals for hypertension. This includes increasing the proportion of adults with blood pressure controlled to 68%, increase awareness of adequate blood pressure control among hypertensive individuals to 95% and increase the overall cardiovascular health of the U.S. population (Maurer & Smith, 2013, p.491).

Health care systems need to work collaboratively with each other, the community and the government to help increase awareness to help lower the risk of the population from developing hypertension. There are multiple organizations worldwide that helps educate, advocate and provide support for the control of global health issues such as intergovernmental organizations, voluntary organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The World Health Organization (WHO) is an intergovernmental organization that monitors world-wide diseases, coordinates health projects and collaborates with other agencies in health care programs.

Hypertension is a global health issue that is costly not only for individuals and families but also for the community and government. Health care cost is a concern for patients, health care providers, clinics, hospitals, private insurances and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Government and legislation could help by making policies to provide more affordable health care programs which will help prevent hypertension and lower the risks for developing more costly complications and hospitalizations from stroke, heart disease, kidney failure.

Using 200-300 words APA format with references to supporting the discussion.

 Select a global health issue affecting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger public health care systems (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). Discuss how health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns and some of the stakeholders that work on these issues.  

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