watch the youtube video You will share a draft of your report’s executive summary using the guidelines provided in the video, and then provide feedback on a classmate’s draft. 

Please watch the video, “Video review of executive summary from Victoria Business School.”  It is linked to in Content for week 6 in “Learning Resources” on page 3.

After watching the video, please complete the following. Post your completed work as your response to this discussion topic.

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Please post a draft of your executive summary for your final report. Make sure that your executive summary draft follows the format and structure of the Victoria Business School executive summary. The purpose of this discussion topic is to get you started in thinking through your executive summary.  Another goal of this discussion topic is to allow your fellow students to see the topic on which you are writing your report and the possible conclusions you might have come up with.

Please note that your executive summary might change quite a bit when you eventually submit a draft of your report.

 IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure that you follow the Executive Summary format described in the video.

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