You need to find examples of news stories and videos displaying issues of diversity in the workplace or other relevant contexts. Diversity can be discussed broadly or narrowly (e.g., focused on one social identity group such as race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, religion, etc.). For this multimedia assignment, you should submit one example of a news story from the media along with a short paper.  Your stories should come from reputable local and national news outlets (e.g., radio clips, newspapers, TV news video clips, etc.) and can be in story or video form. You can also use podcasts. 

In your summary of each story, please discuss the main points so that the reader has an understanding of what happened. Each submission should be one (1) page in length and double spaced with one-inch margins. You will not lose points for exceeding the page limit, but please stay within a reasonable range.

 Please include a reference list in APA format (including a link to the article/video/other media source).   

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