

3-4 page paper double-spaced, MLA styles,

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Paragraph 1 / Introduction:  Introduce and Summarize “Friday night lights ep 1 ss 1”


Paragraph 2:  Thesis Questions 


Paragraph 3: Introduce & describe the show you plan to analyze, including giving the 


reader idea of the show’s general premise and then a bit of detail about the particular 


episode you are analyzing.  Remember that you should try to do just one episode, but if 


necessary, you can draw from 2-3 episodes that are back to back and in the same season.


Paragraph 4: Body Paragraph that analyzes a particular character, situation, or concept in 


the show


Paragraph 5: Another Body Paragraph that analyzes a particular character, situation, or 


concept in the show


Paragraph 6: Another Body Paragraph that analyzes a particular character, situation, or 


concept in the show


Paragraph 7: Conclusion of about 4-5 sentences that somewhat “answers” your thesis 


questions.  Although a show may be a mix of both negative and positive portrayals (as 


opposed to all negative or all positive), you would still have some ultimate assessment of 


whether the show is problematic or positive.  Your conclusion reflects your overall 


judgment of the show, whether it is guilty, so to speak, or not, of brainwashing viewers in a 


negative or positive way, or whatever in between.

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